Thursday, March 21, 2024

We Are A Song


Everything  seen, and unseen is energy. Molecular energy manifesting in different forms and density. Because energy is constantly in motion, it produces vibration, and the vibration emits sound. That sound emits at a frequency and tone, and that tone/frequency exists within an octave  as it’s expression. 

Everything in manifestation exists as this, high low and in between. 

As beings we each then hold and express as and through our energetic frequency within an an octave of tone.  That is our physical manifestation.  And, we experientially call to ourselves that which is of like vibrational accord.  It is that alignment that we learn through and experience as a lifetime. 

The cliché personality test that asks, do you see the glass half full or half empty? Is a perfect example of this because our witness defines what we experience as it literally determines what we see. It’s also what it means to understand that we each create our own world and reality through and as the frequency of our witness. What you witness at any given moment creates your world because at that moment you’re frequency as an energetic being is aligned to the world you see, which is what you are in energetic agreement to. 

It is this foundational truth of our being that then translates to understanding what all else is as well! And as nothing can be separate from its Source, like an individuated wave inseparable from the ocean, we are that. Inseparable from God, the source of all things, and  inseparable from one another! It is this knowing that will change the course of things to come. This is what is being taught around the globe in every language right now.

To choose love, which is a frequency and octave of expression that Is God, is to be a portal of that tone in energy, and as that, to lift all that you encounter to align with you there. This is not efforted anymore so then a light chooses what to call from darkness. It’s Being as light is what lights what it encounters.

We are sentient energetic beings, surrounded by sentient energetic beings, all in song.