Saturday, October 22, 2016

Rosh Hashanah 5777

Several years ago I wanted desperately to learn where within me forgiveness is born.  I wanted to know not where I find the courage to say I forgive, and sort of neutralize it, I wanted to actually forgive so that my heart had no memory to stop me from being love, without reservation, to this person. To everyone!  
Over these past 20 years, I’ve come to believe that we are manifestations of God in human form and that our life’s purpose is to be portals of God’s love as energy in our life.  Anger, resentment, jealousy, do not fit into that knowing.  Each of these feelings definitely disempowers me!  I get tight physically and emotionally, and instead of living the moment and finding a response within that presence, I’m fighting an old battle in my head.  Alone!
I took the problem into my prayer and meditation one day.  And from within my breaking heart came this understanding:
At any given moment in time we are precisely that which we are.  We are and can be no more nor can we be less.  We are that which we are.  Regardless of any other person’s observation of us, or perception that another option existed that I should/could have chosen, the fact of my choosing shows that to be my cumulative understanding at that moment in time.
Contemplating that truth, that we can only be that which we are at any given moment, is where I found forgiveness for others as well as for myself to be born.  And that understanding invites the knowing that from within the reality of our present limitation, infinite potential exists. And the act of creation itself, begins. 
Today, on Rosh Hashanah 5777, it is the acceptance of this indescribably glorious gift of our capacity to Be Love, day after day after day during our lives, that begs Tshuvah.
For this gleaning of truth and beauty and love, and the question it has left me asking of each question I encounter, "What would love Do?" 
I am blessed.

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