Wednesday, March 11, 2020

See Our Sameness,Teach Our Sameness

I think that there is a very very important truth highlighted by the corona19 virus problem today. It is that WE ARE VULNERABLE, GLOBALLY, BECAUSE OF OUR LIKENESS TO ONE ANOTHER!

When you explain to your children why schools are closed today, remember that you are not telling them to fear their neighbor, or to fear a friend! Teach them that we are all vulnerable because of our sameness, not because of our differences.
The clashes and divisions and fear that is born when we perceive ourselves to be separate from our neighbor are all false ideas.  And, our ideas create our lives and our world and our belief about our place in relationship to the world we live in.

When today we fear being closer than 6ft from our neighbor, it’s not because the neighbor is going to take you down! It’s because to the virus you and your neighbor are one host!  No race, no religion, no politics, no story, no separation.

These are the gems of life, the real teachings within every experience.  Don’t let this new layer of fear confuse and obscure the critical truth.  We are vulnerable due to our sameness not to our differences. Our children need to grow up knowing their neighbor as a partner, knowing that as human beings, the whole world is one neighborhood, and that the unique qualities we each bring to the table are meant to enhance the meal of life shared by all.

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