L’Shana Tova,
May this year be filled with enlightenment for our world. May we all join together in seeking and understanding those truths of our existence, and our potential, that unify us. Let us seek the high teachings and know; we are one as God is one.
Da Lifnei Mi Atah Omed! is engraved above our temple’s altar in Glencoe. Know Before Whom You Stand. Today I imagine that I am standing before each of you. And I know you as individuated aspects of the Divine. I say this as you in truth, because it is in truth that I have come to know this of my own true nature, and in this knowing, I know what you are as well.
Why? Because inherent in knowing ones self as an aspect of the Divine, is to know what all else is as well. May this year guide us to seek understanding and truth that is available to each as our birthright. May we teach our children that all are of God. That everything in form, including themselves, cannot be separated from the Source of All Being. It matters not what name we call this source. It only matters that we know that there is one source, one energy, one note as it were, from which all form in any dimension is articulated and made manifest.
Adonai Echad. God is One. With this knowing, we can and will lift the world to an understanding of human purpose.
Da Lifnei Mi Atah Omed. Know before whom you stand. Know the truth of your being and you will know the one before you as yourself. As God. We are not and cannot ever be separate from the Source of our being. No action occurs in isolation from the whole. We are as waves to the ocean. Know this of yourself and of all things. Teach the children, our children, that they are this aspect of the Divine, and teach them to step outside of the fear that we all have been in equation with. Fear is the belief that we are or ever could be separate from God. Love of God is love of all. Excluding none! Excluding none, regardless of any thought or deed committed. All are of God or none can be.
T’shuva! Turn to face God. Da Lifnei Mi Atah Omed. You are. I am. All is.
God Is! God Is! God Is! It will be so.
Well said