Saturday, May 20, 2017

We are That

We are energetic beings, each born as unique energetic manifestations from the universal whole.  Each of us, as divine creation, is absolutely perfect at every instant of our existence.  We are perfect in that whatever, whoever and however our energy, our personality, manifests itself, it is precisely what the universe needed at that particular moment in time.  There are no mistakes.  There are no errors.  Everything is in perfect balance at every moment.  Our inability to understand that is a consequence of our ignorance, it is not proof of anything more or less.

Mother Love, Be That

This Mother's Day, there are thousands of beautiful tributes to Mother Love. In my own family we have had 2 babies born in April! And to me, what is born within us when love cracks our heart wide open, is our potential to be that HUGE love in every aspect and toward every person of our lives.
The divine feminine energy of love, held by men as well as women, is our human potential. It is as love that we are portals of Godliness on this earth. Your love for "your" child should be a sign of the enormity of your power. Should give us an inkling of the infinitude of our potential to Be Love. It is how we participate in creation itself, as an energetic interaction and alignment to the divine which we are.
Yesterday was Mother's Day. Today, be that love. Fearlessly. Be that.