Saturday, October 10, 2020

What You Damn, Damns You Back

What You Damn, Damns You Back! You align with what you witness.  You can’t witness a chair without aligning to the idea of chair for instance.  When you say and see and experience chair, you actually become chair at the level of frequency your witness meets the chair you perceive.  It’s like hearing a note sung and bringing your voice to it’s pitch.  

There are high and low frequency manifestations which have been articulated through idea becoming thought becoming manifest in form.  What you witness draws you to ‘stand’ within the level of frequency you claim.

When you damn something it damns you back. When you damn something, you cannot do so without aligning to it at the frequency that You Are Creating The Idea Of It.  In order to shovel shit, you have to stand beside it.

A very real opportunity here is to manifest the future, so align to the highest frequency in thought, as prayer, that you can hold.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020



Just beneath the surface of every moment we perceive, lies another
expression of the energy that all is.  
The water, calm, suddenly! violently pierced, by it's same self, only denser.  And this dense power rushes upwards and outwards and
beyond any imagined potential when it was merely a calm topped sea.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Create Your World

If everyone aligns with the surety of failure, we will fail.  It is the way the energetic universe manifests consciousness into form, and we do it en masse.... so, align with the possibility, and allow the probability, that this universal chaos is an opportunity for much much needed change in the world.  Our trajectory toward self annihilation seems to have been given a potential alternate course.  It will be through this same power of  mass agreement, but toward and as the potential for positive change, that we have opportunity to bring  it forward and manifest it in form, for the good of all.  Already, as we are forced to "look" out of the  windows of our lives, it is seen that our perception of separation , one from another, is a fiction. A dangerous untruth that is costing us so much more than we can even imagine.   It's an idea that has not served mankind well, and this virus, small as it is, sees only one host.  It's called the human being.  And people are becoming aware that the masks, and costumes and titles we don to create the fiction of ourselves and our independence from one another is nothing more than a story.  We are one.  This awakening is the key to our salvation. And we each, as manifestations of the one source of energy that all   manifested form is, have complete opportunity to be within our power, align with a lifting of humanity's consciousness and lend critical support to mankind as a whole, and ourselves, certainly, as expressions of that wholeness .  It is critical.  And our power is available.
Be in allowance to what is available to be heard within and without yourselves. History is of no value here.  We are beyond the known. This story can be projected a million ways into the future from events of the past, but the past will not invite creative response to our present.  Only being present to this present moment, and being in allowance to your capacity to be in creative response to the needs and opportunities of the present moment, is of true value to you as an  individual and to the world society as a whole.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

See Our Sameness,Teach Our Sameness

I think that there is a very very important truth highlighted by the corona19 virus problem today. It is that WE ARE VULNERABLE, GLOBALLY, BECAUSE OF OUR LIKENESS TO ONE ANOTHER!

When you explain to your children why schools are closed today, remember that you are not telling them to fear their neighbor, or to fear a friend! Teach them that we are all vulnerable because of our sameness, not because of our differences.
The clashes and divisions and fear that is born when we perceive ourselves to be separate from our neighbor are all false ideas.  And, our ideas create our lives and our world and our belief about our place in relationship to the world we live in.

When today we fear being closer than 6ft from our neighbor, it’s not because the neighbor is going to take you down! It’s because to the virus you and your neighbor are one host!  No race, no religion, no politics, no story, no separation.

These are the gems of life, the real teachings within every experience.  Don’t let this new layer of fear confuse and obscure the critical truth.  We are vulnerable due to our sameness not to our differences. Our children need to grow up knowing their neighbor as a partner, knowing that as human beings, the whole world is one neighborhood, and that the unique qualities we each bring to the table are meant to enhance the meal of life shared by all.