Sunday, June 18, 2023

Father Love

 It’s a lazy rainy Father’s Day morning here in Naples and I’m thinking about  my own sweet father, Shelly Prizant, who died in 2000, and my beloved step father, Bob Lubin, who died 13 years ago today. I’m thinking of my own sons as the fathers they are today, such loving patience, such constancy and smart loving presence that so defines their own children’s lives… I‘m thinking how inherent within each moment I lived their love, was this moment today when I am still living it.  Each today is tomorrow.  Every moment of love eternally alive and available to align to and live again.  When we say “May your life be for a blessing”, it is this lifting to love that we wish to gift through our lives.  And father love, is a forever note played, way way up high within us.