Saturday, October 10, 2020

What You Damn, Damns You Back

What You Damn, Damns You Back! You align with what you witness.  You can’t witness a chair without aligning to the idea of chair for instance.  When you say and see and experience chair, you actually become chair at the level of frequency your witness meets the chair you perceive.  It’s like hearing a note sung and bringing your voice to it’s pitch.  

There are high and low frequency manifestations which have been articulated through idea becoming thought becoming manifest in form.  What you witness draws you to ‘stand’ within the level of frequency you claim.

When you damn something it damns you back. When you damn something, you cannot do so without aligning to it at the frequency that You Are Creating The Idea Of It.  In order to shovel shit, you have to stand beside it.

A very real opportunity here is to manifest the future, so align to the highest frequency in thought, as prayer, that you can hold.